Alright, please don't say anything....... Let me be the first to admit it......
I am just not yet a blogger. :(
It's not that I don't have anything to say, sheesh, I can "out talk" anyone.
It's not that I don't have pictures, I have 2 cameras, a scanner and 2 computers.
I think it might be just getting here.....Okay that still is no excuse for the pictures.
For some reason, it always seems that I don't have 5 minutes to come here to say something.
And when I do get here, I sit and stare at the blank screen and then I go blank.
I will try to get every one caught up on what is happening.
We got over our colds, hubby hurt his back for a couple of weeks, he got better, we went on holidays for almost 2 weeks, went to the US touring the mountains of Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, New mexico, cut a cross Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas (Kristen, Tom and I waved when we went past your house), and back up to the Dakotas and home to the frozen land of Manitoba Canada.
Vacation was great, many antique shops, craft shops, great food and great sights. It wasn't very warm but far better than here. We still have snow here and probably will for a few more weeks yet. But I am hoping for an early meltdown. At least the roads so I can get on my bike again.
Other than that I have been working at my spare jobs, year end for everyone, trying to do art in between and trying to list on ebay and my website.
But, even as I say website, I realize I must change my home page to say something new again. Yikes, I can't ever imagine having nothing to do?
So these vintage wooden blocks are something new on my website. These will be so cute to alter.
My other fun art project was the Greeting Card set I have on ebay. It turned out to be a huge project because I made several sets at the same time. As much as I love how these cards turned out, I realize more and more that I don't like to "remake" anything, it is far too boring. In the future I think my card sets will be limited to one of a kind lots.
And a big Thank-you to Gail of Shabby Cottage Studio for adding me to her blog as a link and also for posting to my blog. Do check out her blog, her website, and her gorgeous artwork!
So just guess who the winner of the blog topic is this week??? I'll give ya a hint! SCS!!! WHOO HOO!!
Gail, please send me your snail addy so I can mail you a goodie pack. Art or Ephemera?
I'll be looking for another winner off of this topic........Wow, this is a win win for me, first I force you to leave your name on my topics, and then I get to clear off the ephemera on my table top, and mail it to the winner gee I just gotta luv it! ;)
I'd also like to thank Amber for the two lovely trade art cards I received in the mail, absolutely beautiful. (Okay, I will post pics soon) Plus, if that wasn't enough, that silly girl, sent me a lovely ephemera package back after I sent her the packet from my topic draw. Oh it was sooo fun to get that surprise in the mail with her art cards. Thanks sweetie! :)
Well that's all you get today, maybe that is what I should do.....just write a book everytime I come here.Happy creating, ((((hugs))) to all! Kim