She is starting a swap called row houses, I haven't said yes yet but I think I am going to. They are so sweet.
So while I was on her blog looking at these gorgeous row houses, I noticed one post down that she had been tagged "the 6 weird things about me" and then she tagged me at the end.
Whew!!!!! Thank goodness I just did one, so I am recycling it for Jeri's tagging too, and again I am not re-tagging.
It's too late, I think everyone that I know has been tagged and re-tagged by now. So if you are reading this, remember to keep those "Thanks for not tagging me Kim " gifts coming! LOL
In celebration for not having to do this tag, I am giving a couple of free downloads today.
Visit my Shareapic albums to download the full size version of these new images:

Have a very creative day everyone!