Sunday, May 31, 2020

Avacado dyeing lace

What a beautiful breezy morning to be sitting on the deck dyeing lace and linens with avacado dye. I cant wait till this is dry.
Still finding things I want to add to the pile. It doesn't matter if I do this all day long. It's a good day!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Avocado dyed papers

Hi everyone,
Yesterday was a fun day of cooking avocado skins and pits.
I made 5 quart jars of dye from the process and used one jar yesterday to get started.
I did 50 sheets of an old cookbook and 30 sheets of computer paper. A few envelopes and some dryer sheets and one very sturdy paper towel that turned out awesome. It will be easy to see into a couple of pockets.
The colors are even more vibrant than the pictures. 
For the rest of the week, I'm planning to dye lace, trim, fabric and linens, all in the pink along with more paper. Then it will be serious coffee dying.
Have to figure out how best to coffee stain large paper sheets 11 x 17. I need to do 500 of them.