Hi Everyone in blogland,
I am still working on the items in my project box from many many weeks ago (actually I think maybe months ago)
Here are some of the photo slide mounts that I have recycled into miniature art. Some of these are available for purchase on Ebay tonight, with more to be listed somewhere soon. I have finished 12 in total but I think I have about 40 half baked so they should be done soon.
That leaves the 2 childrens board books and they are already basically covered so maybe they will get completed in the near future too!
As I am saying this I realize I have many more project boxes waiting for me to work on.
This time I am going to peek inside before I actually commit to the one I pick. LOL
That's all for me tonight, many things on the go in the real world.....see you soon!
Have a very creative week!