Back by Popular Demand!!!!!
Wire Display Stands for art cards, ACEO's ATC's and more!!!

They are sold in a pack of 10, suitable for holding your art cards for display or photographing.

They are wonderful for many different art card sizes, business cards, display cards and those cute little school pictures.
Only available on my website for a mere $4.99 for a 10 pack.
A customer once told me that she hoped I make a million $ selling these little stands.
But deep down I really hope not......
Here's the math trivia for you, 1 million dollars = 2,000000 wire stands that I would have to produce. (That isn't even including the cost of my supplies)
Now on a good day with great momentum, I can produce 40 stands per hour. However that only lasts one hour.
Then my attention sways to maybe doing a load of laundry, watching golf on TV or exercising. So you can see how much I would love making these stands past the first hour.
If I was able to keep up the momentum for 6 hours a day, it would take me 8333.3 days to complete the 2,000000. Based on working 5 days a week, that would be 32 years.....
ummm.....I am 48 years old now, that would make me 80 years old when I finished making my wire stands. Then, I still gotta hope I sold em all so I can retire with that million dollars!
It's just not gonna happen.
Unfortunately, these wire stands are limited to my attention span, and can be extremely limited. My suggestion is: if you like these, get them while I am on a roll!
Otherwise you are (plain) outta luck ;)