Well I guess it's my bad for not getting back to my blog lately. Gee where does time go? Okay so I finally had a day to pack up everything that is for this giveaway. This is the box packed and ready to close up and address to the recipient.
Hmmmm? Do you wonder who its gonna be?
Drumroll please.......tadum tadum tadum.........
The winner is Ann of Ann's Imagination Creations of California USA
Now I like to wait a day or 2 before I contact them just so that if they are happening about in blog land, it is always so fun when they chance upon their win, so let's see if Ann finds it on her own....
But if I dont hear from her in a couple of days I will contact her, then I will give her 7 additional days to get back to me with her mailing info.
So here is the packed box with loads of "vintage scented" doilies as packing material on the top. These are fab when tea stained or walnut stained to add to your art projects.

Tissue papers, milk pogs, clip art bingo cards ephemera, die cuts, vintage postcards....

Brand new rubber stamp set, lg puzzle pieces, vintage slides,paper doiles, hell money, Joss papers, a pkg of fimo cane, airmail envelopes.....

Collage sheets printed on laser paper, assorted images, stamps, labels, bottle cap images................

wooden domino box filled with beads, a metal tin filled with jewelry bits and baubles, a sandwich baggie of beads, game pieces, doo dads and gew gaws (do you know what a gew gaw is?)

Heres an overview of my table top. The stuff you can't see is ribbons, fibres, lace, flowers, some hand made art stuff, and I did list most of what you will find in the description in the original post. Plus I am sure there are tons of things I haven't mentioned.

So I hope Ann can find a use for some of these items in her crafting, I would love to see some creations from this box.
Thank-you to all that participated in this giveaway. I will be starting a new giveaway very soon and there will definitely be a new twist to the giveaway. Muahahahaha!
Happy Creating everyone!