What a ride!
I have had the most roller coaster ride for an entire week!
It started on Monday with a trip to a "specialist" dentist to have a retreatment on a root canel. You know what that means eh? Yeah, they had to remove the old filling, the old root canal and replace with a new root canel and temporary filling.
Two hours later with a major ache in both my head and pocket book, I was done. Oh course, this specialist is not covered by the dental plan, and now I am separated from $1072.00 I already didn't have. Sheesh!
Now I must head back to my regular dentist and get the permanent filling and then a cap. I am still having some pain so I'm not exactly in a hurry to go and do it right away but can't put it off for too long. At least that will be covered by insurance. I should have gone to dental school......why didn't I listen?
So that was the down swing of the ride, then came a fabulous up swing on Tuesday....I was honored to be the Spirito Di ZNE for the day. Wow, what a nice surprise! Thank-you everyone for all the wonderful comments. LOL I think I might be the one giving the prize for the month, so that is kinda funny for me!
Wednesday I worked in another town for my gov job which is nice because I can go shopping afterwards. However my hubby phones from our neighbors house because the whole area of our homes is on fire. We had major grass/bush fires all around us. The fires came right up to my neighbors driveway. An old neighboring farmhouse burned to the ground. Maybe today I will go and explore and take pics of the remains. We were lucky there was a wind change, and the fire fighters were there too, otherwise it would have hit a very tree'd area near our house and who knows if I would have had a home to come home to.
Thursday I worked in town at my other job and went home mid morning to check on the smoldering grasses to make sure everything was still okay. Other people were checking too so I was able to stay at work for the rest of the day. Luckily everything did get under control but it sure is black and bare now all over the place. I uploaded a pic to show you the burnt out yet still smoldering fields very close to us.
So that was a looooong ride down!
Friday I hit the bottom, it was a day off but I was so disappointed because I didn't get anything done all week for ebay or art. I walked around and moped all day, not sure what to do with myself. I couldn't concentrate on anything. I think it might have to do with the V Tech shootings too! My heart and prayers go out to all of the victims and families as well as those that have survived this terrible tragedy. I don't know exactly what to say, I have never been very good with handling those things so I tend to just clam up and go off in the corner. I'm very sorry.
Saturday I seemed to come out of my slump and created some art pieces. I think this might have been a cleansing day for me. I stayed off the computer, and worked on things one at a time. Hubby (paramedic) had to stay at the hospital last night because it was very foggy and raining. Our road turns to muck in that kind of weather. Just as well, because he had a couple of emergencies through the night so I was happy he didn't have to drive like a maniac down our road. He still has to work all day today, he's gonna be one tired puppy when he gets home tonight!
So I think yesterday, I may have drowned in my own tranquility for I am feeling refreshed and happy this morning. Unless, of course I am about to hit the top of this coaster again?.......anyone want a free ticket?
I will be back in a bit to make my topic draw and upload my image of the week!