Thursday, June 17, 2021

Collage boards in a Magazine

Hi everyone, 
I have been absent so much while I pack and purge my house in an effort to sell the house and move to New Brunswick. We are fast approaching our deadline. The house goes up for sale on June 28th and we already have ppl waiting to put in offers. While I am excited that things are moving along, I am also terrified that it may change things so quickly right? My stomach is filled with butterflies and flip flops every time I think about things for too  long.
So in an effort to stay creative and reduce my stress, I try to meet up with my gal pals on line almost every Wednesday evening for a couple hours of chatting and creativity. The world sure has changed since Covid came into our lives. Yet we have managed to find ways to adapt and carry on. 
When we meet on line, I usually hook up in my office as to not disturb Tom with our loud chattiness. Sometimes several of us can be talking at the same time. But, I don't have a lot of room in my office so I work on collage boards. Its gluing and tearing paper and arranging bits to create a page.
I work in a magazine, I used to just make one page sheets or glue several pages together, but this is so nice and compact.
I pick an old magazine and start at the back of the book. The book lays flatter, and then I can paperclip papers into other pages as I find related items.
When I work on a page I start with scraps of book pages and then I take colour or theme related items and glue over top until the page is full. On the opposite page (left side) I glue blank type papers. This becomes the back of the next page. When I am done I move forward onto the next page and start again.
What is nice about working in a magazine, is that the pages stay in there until I need one and I can go back and forth between pages adding more things as I find bits, as well as add more stuff to use in the up coming pages.
When I take a page out to use, I usually cut up for tags and journal cards. They are thick enough with the backs completed. I embellish and often sew around the edges. On occasion I will die-cut shapes from these boards or make snippets too. Careful! Extremely addicting!
Some pics of boards I recently finished and last pic is showing you the clipped items ready for gluing another page.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Free Bee Friday - Digital Collage Sheet - Guest Checks Journal Card Tags


Free Bee Friday - Digital Collage Sheet - Guest Checks With Roses - Journal Card Tags

Today I am offering a set of Guest Checks - Digital collage sheets for your artsy creativeness. While I left 1 blank one, I added the vintage roses on the backgrounds of the other 4.  Even I am excited to start using these.

I love the grungy look. Easy to print as is and if you do 2 on a page even cuter in the smaller versions

Please do share with me any creations you might make. I always enjoy seeing your art and it inspires me to keep designing new sheets!

Feel free to use in your art for both personal and for resale art products made from this collage sheet. 

Each Friday I will post a new sheet. If you miss a week they will be hosted under collage sheets see tabs above. 

To download click on the image and then right click to save to your computer. 

Happy Creating! See you next Friday with another new sheet.  :) 

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Free Bee Friday - Digital Collage Sheet - Boho Style Gems

 Free Bee Friday - Digital Collage Sheet - Boho Style Gems

Today I am offering a 3 page set of Boho Style Gems - Digital collage sheets for your artsy creativeness.

These were gems that I scanned edited and cleaned up. I changed the colours, created different shapes and tweaked all day yesterday to get these done. Which is why I am late.

Please do share with me any creations you might make. I always enjoy seeing your art and it inspires me to keep designing new sheets!

Feel free to use in your art for both personal and for resale art products made from this collage sheet. 

Each Friday I will post a new sheet. If you miss a week they will be hosted under collage sheets see tabs above. 

To download click on the image and then right click to save to your computer. 

Happy Creating! See you next Friday with another new sheet.  :) 

Friday, April 09, 2021

Free Bee Friday - Digital Collage Sheet - Spring Florals Grunge Tags

 Free Bee Friday - Digital Collage Sheet - Spring Florals Grunge Tags

Today I am offering a set of 6 Grunge Floral Spring tags Digital collage sheet for your artsy creativeness.

These are floral postcards that I scanned edited and cleaned up.

Please do share with me any creations you might make. I always enjoy seeing your art and it inspires me to keep designing new sheets!

Feel free to use in your art for both personal and for resale art products made from this collage sheet. 

Each Friday I will post a new sheet. If you miss a week they will be hosted under collage sheets see tabs above. 

To download click on the image and then right click to save to your computer. 

Happy Creating! See you next Friday with another new sheet.  :) 

Friday, April 02, 2021

Free Bee Friday - Digital Collage Sheets - Illustrations


 Free Bee Friday,  Whooo hooo!

Today I am offering 4 Digital collage sheets for your artsy creativeness. (Yes I missed last Friday again)

These are book illustrations scanned edited and cleaned up. Flowers, Birds, and other page elements for so may creative uses. 

Please do share with me any creations you might make. I always enjoy seeing your art and it inspires me to keep designing new sheets!

Feel free to use in your art for both personal and for resale art products made from this collage sheet. 

Each Friday I will post a new sheet. If you miss a week they will be hosted under collage sheets see tabs above. 

To download click on the image and then right click to save to your computer. 

Happy Creating! See you next Friday with another new sheet or maybe sheets? :) 


Sunday, March 21, 2021

The Clusters that grew and grew....

 Hi Everyone, 

well my sweet little party girl clusters just got bigger and bigger as I added more layers. I finally decided that it was best to turn them into shabby tags.

I finished off the first 3 this morning with more to come. They are so cute with their sad little faces wearing their party hats.

These tags are larger in size at 3.25 x 6.5 and are backed with a manila tag for strength. Made with layers of fabrics, lace and doily/trims and finished with a hang tag made of fabric and seam binding. These will be for sale in my shop $10.00 for a set of 3 and I will post additional sets as I finish them up.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Laugh of the day for my arty friends

Hi everyone, if you need a good laugh, I will give you a free laugh at my expense.
We had a trivial pursuit game that was recently destined for the thrift shop. 
Then I opened the game box and looked at the 2 boxes of question cards and thought to myself, yeah I could use those for bases for ATC cards or clusters/snippets.
Soooooo I salvaged everything I could from the game box and recycled the rest.
Today I am using these cards for cluster bases, and I realize only NOW, that there are a lot of cards in this box, ummm this is box 1 of 2 boxes. 
Okay nuf said, start laughing....yur welcome! :)

Scrapbusting Saturday - Clusters

Greetings everyone! Today is a bright sunny day in Manitoba Canada. Though it will be a bit chilly until later, it is still a happy time when the snow is melting away and things are coming to life again. I can hear birds chirping, always a wonderful chaos.
For today's scrap busting, I am going to make some clusters using these little darlings. Most of them dont look very happy, but for some reason I'm calling them my party girls. Lol so we will see what happens through the day. But I will admit, I might go squirrel hunting this afternoon...its time to go for long walks and enjoy the outdoors.
So if you are crafting today, as always I ask, whats on your table?
Have a very creative weekend!

Friday, March 19, 2021

Bits and Bobs Art Challenge

 Hi Everyone,

I was recently in an art challenge to send an assortment of bits and bobs to a swap parnter who would in turn send you items. The challenge was to make a collage sheet with the items and then make it into something for a journal. 

However, somehow I didn't see that we were supposed to turn it into a collage sheet first, I just jumped right in and made stuff. But I did take all the pieces and put them together in one of the pictures for you to see that it kind of is like a collage sheet.

I used everything!!!! Including the envelope that all came in and the piece of chipboard that my trade partner calls shipping material, silly girl lol ;) and I salvaged the green butterfly from the outside of the mailing envelope.

I did add an extra 2.5 inch wide strip of scrap paper to use as backing for the reel, I added extra note paper for the journals cards inside. and a tiny bit of handmade paper to glue the envelopes closed on the cut sides. Otherwise everything else in the picture was used with absolutely nothing left!

I cut the mailing envelope, music sheet and chipboard in quarters to make 4 pockets and 4 journal cards. Then I cut the 6 x 6 scrap paper into 4 folded and round cornered to make 4 mini journal cards. The reel was cut into 4 pieces to make the outside tuck pockets. The lace was cut into 4 to make the pull tabs on the journal cards. The library card was cut in half to make 2 tags. The napkin was dispursed onto all 4 pockets and the library card. The rest of the items were divided up to use as embellishments or tuck items in the reel pockets. Back side of envelope is left blank, could be written on or glued into a journal page. If they stay as floating pockets I will probably back with some note or decorative paper.

So from my trade partners bits and bobs, I now have 4 lovely Journal Pockets to add into a nature type journal. Thank you PJ  for the inspiration!

Free Bee Friday - Digital Collage Sheet Set - Pretty Little Girls

 Free Bee Friday,  Whooo hooo!

Today I am offering 3 Pretty Little girls  Digital collage sheets for your artsy creativeness.

These are 4 postcards scanned edited and cleaned up. Printable in 3 sizes for so may creative uses. 

Please do share with me any creations you might make. I always enjoy seeing your art and it inspires me to keep designing new sheets!

Feel free to use in your art for both personal and for resale art products made from this collage sheet. 

Each Friday I will post a new sheet. If you miss a week they will be hosted under collage sheets see tabs above. 

To download click on the image and then right click to save to your computer. 

Happy Creating! See you next Friday with another new sheet or maybe sheets? :) 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

FreeBee Friday - Digital Collage Sheet Set - Easter Postcards

 Free Bee Friday,  on Tuesday? Yes, Ohhh dear, I completely forgot!

Today I am offering 3 Easter Postcards Digital collage sheets for your artsy creativeness.

These are a few of my Easter postcards scanned edited and cleaned up. Printable in 3 sizes for so may creative uses. 

Please do share with me any creations you might make. I always enjoy seeing your art and it inspires me to keep designing new sheets!

Feel free to use in your art for both personal and for resale art products made from this collage sheet. 

Each Friday I will post a new sheet. If you miss a week they will be hosted under collage sheets see tabs above. 

To download click on the image and then right click to save to your computer. 

Happy Creating! See you next Friday with another new sheet or maybe sheets? :) 

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Finished button cards

Hi everyone,
Just thought I would share my finished button cards from Scrap busting Saturday. While i had a plan of selling them on my website, I realize they are too much work for a very small return. So instead they will go back into my stash and I will give them as giftys or add to journals. It was a lot of fun making and sure look pretty.

Saturday, March 06, 2021

Scrapbusting Saturday - carding buttons

Hi everyone, yay its Saturday and I get to work in the pile of stuff to make it disappear.
Years ago I used to make lots of jewelry and not so much anymore. I have all these left over cards that I used to use for earrings. They arecthe same size as an ATC card, but not exactly the style of collage I would do. So I've decided to card buttons on these cards and I will be adding a little twist to them when done. These are going to be a fun idea when finished. My goal is to match up all these button with the cards and finish them today!
So as I always ask, whats on your table today?

Friday, March 05, 2021

FreeBee Friday! - Digital Collage Sheet Set - Vintage Music and Roses

Hi Everyone,

We have another FreeBee Friday upon us and today I am offering not 1, not 2, but 7, yes 7! Digital collage sheets for your artsy creativeness.

I scanned 2 of my coffee died pages and made a journal page layout. I just love the brown tone colours and stains. Then I started adding roses from my vintage postcard collection and then I played with the sizes. I went from 2 items on a page up to 36 mini cards. These images can be used for clusters, postage stamps, journal cards, ATC's and full journal pages. What perfect timing to print out theses images for the weekend! Please do share with me any creations you might make. I always enjoy seeing your art and it inspires me to keep designing new sheets!

Feel free to use in your art for both personal and for resale art products made from this collage sheet. 

Each Friday I will post a new sheet. If you miss a week they will be hosted under collage sheets see tabs above. 

To download click on the image and then right click to save to your computer. 

Happy Creating! See you next Friday with another new sheet or maybe sheets? :) 



Thursday, March 04, 2021

Clearance Destash 36 Assorted Paper Napkins Collage Junk Journals


Time for me to de-stash some of my stuff.

This lot of 36 napkins is made up of lunch and cocktail size. Most are the 3 ply napkins and there are 2 beautiful Japanese rice paper napkins (1 blue, 1 purple)

There are florals, butterflies, birds, and a few Christmas themed in each lot.

You will receive an assortment similar to the pictures but will vary by about 8 napkins. When I made up the lots at the end I had to pick and choose to finish off each lot. But all lots either have a similar or different colour of what is shown.

I am selling 3 lots on my website and have 3 additional lots on eBay.

When these are gone I may make up another batch but they will be different again.

Great for journal cards, tags, collage and more!

Use in your art creations both personal and for resale.